Green rooms are ones that you are likely to get based off data that Spectator has collected from housing selection from previous years.
47 Claremont
Broadway Hall
Carlton Arms
East Campus
Harmony Hall
Hartley Hall
Hogan Hall
McBain Hall
600 W 113th
River Hall
Ruggles Hall
Schapiro Hall
Watt Hall
Wien Hall
Woodbridge Hall
Historical Room Selection data (ranging from 2020-2022) is provided by Columbia Housing for reference only. The selection process shifts year to year and can change based on a number of variables that will impact how students pick rooms, including changes in building allocation, personal preferences, class size, external factors and more. This data should not be used as a predictive tool nor does it provide any guarantee for selection options. Learn how our lottery predictor works to make the best use of its results.
Check out our color-coded floor plans to see which rooms you are likely to get!
Historical Room Selection data (ranging from 2020-2022) is provided by Columbia Housing for reference only. The selection process shifts year to year and can change based on a number of variables that will impact how students pick rooms, including changes in building allocation, personal preferences, class size, external factors and more. This data should not be used as a predictive tool nor does it provide any guarantee for selection options. Learn how our lottery predictor works to make the best use of its results.
47 Claremont
Broadway Hall
Carlton Arms
East Campus
Harmony Hall
Hartley Hall
Hogan Hall
McBain Hall
600 W 113th
River Hall
Ruggles Hall
Schapiro Hall
Watt Hall
Wien Hall
Woodbridge Hall
47 Claremont